Sunday, April 17, 2016

Roost Smoke Carbon Dioxide Alarm Battery Configuration

Having spent many. hours trying to get the battery to connect to WiFi and simarly talking online with their support person and engineer, here is what I found works.

Please click on an ad or two to pay me a bit for saving you time.

The WiFi must be 2.4 Ghz

The SSID name MUST NOT have a ' or a - in it.  It might not even work if the SSID has anything other than lower case letters only and/or no more than one word.

If you have a battery working properly and you want to change its WiFi connection, I found that trying to change the connection for the previous instance does not work.  Delete that device in the smartphone app and add a new one.  Then it works fine.

I'd say the Roost people have a pretty poor engineering team to NOT have anticipated different spellings of the SSID and the support/documentation people for having not updated their troubleshooting instructions with what you see in the 4th paragraph above which I discovered with them in Dec 2015 and as of this writing in April, 2016 it has not been updated.  

I think the product is a great idea to be able to early detect smoke before the flames are coming out the roof.  Pretty good insurance for $32 covering the length of the battery of say 5 years.

BUT if they don't up their game in engineering and in support documentation, they will be overcome by an competition that does.