Thursday, March 28, 2013

Use liquid smoke. Tastes great.  It eliminates needing a BBQ.  Put a few drops into a Sous Vide bag, drop it into  temp controlled rice cooker, torch it and one has BBQ flavor with out the time or effort.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


695 transport everything
take or mail
bury at sea

Sunday, March 17, 2013

make wine vinegar

one part unpasteurized vinegar and two parts red wine to a large glass jar. For my batch of red wine vinegar, I mixed one cup Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with two cups Cabernet-Shiraz red wine.
I covered the jar with a piece of cheesecloth and secured it with a rubber band to hold the cloth in place. The jar was left in a warm spot for several weeks and I stirred occasionally during that time.
Then I added enough red wine to the jar, so that it doubled in volume, re-covered with the cheesecloth and let sit for another 3 weeks. This yielded 4 cups of red wine vinegar.

make mustard

Saturday, March 16, 2013


When I checked in 2012 there were only 2 Abalone farms in California.

The best, you can buy on-line here:

Their abalone was recommended by Chefs' Nick of Nicks Next Door restaurant in Los Gatos, Ca and Chef Ryan Shelton formerly of TJ Chez, Baume and Bonny Doons' La Ciagre restaurant.  He is chefing a new restaurant in early 2013 called Palo Alto Grill which is on University. He has a great food blog:  Will Work for Food.

Monday, March 11, 2013

When using Wordpress HTML Snippet and saving when also using Post Type Switcher.  Post Type Switcher converts the HTML snippet to a post resulting in the snippet not working anymore.

Solution:  Deactivate Post Type Switcher

Also Using the WYSIWYG editor  in HTML Snippet also breaks the HTML code.

Took me just 2  hours to figure this out.